Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dismantling the Beached Cadillac

All the parts add up
like names you can’t remember
the world as such laid out before me
here to read through with prescription
binoculors & a crescent wrench
as I would compile secret inventories
minus any lyric disclaimer
with a Fuck Death harpoon tag
relegated Torch Ballads, Tambourine Blues,
Saxophone Flashbacks & Mariachi Breakdowns,
Scenes of Life at the Capital by Philip Whalen,
The Pleasures & Pains of Opium / De Quincey,
Call Me Ishmael by Chas. Olson,
random scrap manuscriptos de Opstedal,
a pencil, a dirty ragged wedge of Sex Wax
wrapped in plastic,
threatening letters, a bottle of pills,
a harmonica, an out-of-date tide chart,
a small stack of postcards I never sent
& an empty Tecate can that you’ll hear humming
softly to itself when it’s quiet enough