Sunday, March 15, 2009
Water Damaged
Things To Do With A One-Way Ticket
About Me (click here)
The Unblinking Eye of the Lone Gunman
“the presence of a living mythology
which explains religious practice”
Have you been baptized?
Yes, I am water damaged.
EIGHT MILES TO POINT LOBOS already receding in the
rearview mirror singing Allah B. Goode & scanning the dial for
the sound of gulls. The sun a votive candle in a red jar balanced
on the horizon. Drop a penny in the water & say a prayer. Motor
oil incense, gilded sheetmetal icons w/glass eyes, sacrificial beer can huaraches. Wind whisper in the dry weed vacant lot. Psalm of the lone gunman.
Momma gave you a one-way ticket
& a latin guide book
you lit candles & shouldered the load
“It was all about me”
Tide change foam
translucent turquoise extending into the kelp grove
stone cross cypress ledge above
strafed by digital cameras
A mythology of things to do
the cold wind cuts through unblinking
salt grass bending away from the sun
anointed by waves baptismal
You are your father’s son
genetic namesake
let go & it’s gone