I'm only holding on so that I can
feel it all slip away
Pursuing several
lines of inquiry
not the least of which is
raiding the fridge
It either will or it won't
change the complexion of this
late summer sky
glimpsed thru a rail of mist
like all debts
real & imagined
a cocktail olive
no bigger than the South China Sea
a flock of electric eels
riding in on the tide
Death's big toothy grin
The wreck of the Hesperus makes a cameo appearance here
There's really nothing in the fridge
Leaps & bounds a measured response thick as a brick
Sparrows in the cypress hedge
conspire w/the wind to
distract me & it works
Subliminal Green Waves
(some assembly required)
Driving north on the PCH the
ocean was there a minute ago
good to the last drop