The moon falls on California & wakes you up…
A tourist from Sacramento just got shot out in Beach Flats
but you don’t know that yet
you don’t even know what time it is
because you’re halfway through a dream of swimming like
Leander on a moonless night & you’re just about to drown
& you’re wondering what that would feel like
but the moonlight crashing in through the window
wants to take you someplace else
although that doesn’t explain the dancing iguanas
& every footstep wing-flap fin-splash between here & Ocean St.
drifting, set to music, choreographed,
like a rail of Tibetan banjos
abandoned in a kelp grove
& the siren’s song is just the ambulance
racing down to Beach Flats but
you don’t know that as that piercing howl dissolves the iguanas
& the moon shifts just a fraction of an inch bending
shadows like iron bars across the bed