“Mucho calor” yeah, weather’s hot, amigo
wandering in & out of the place
(they have a little Baja all their own)
Back in the car we take off with the windows rolled down
so that the heat off the blacktop can blast through us
Are those band-aids on the crushed bumper of that ’84
Chevy compact?
It rattles & spews dark clouds of smoke
into the deep blue Mexican air
Mariachis taking a break at the Tecate Six in Pescadero
Federales hanging out at the corner
Turn left off the highway onto a dirt road
bounce along through agricultural land
avocados palm trees
veer right
at the thrashed VW van
& roll on out to the beach . . .
Standing in the shorebreak intense undertow but
the waves are clean
are as the haze
ignited by the
setting sun
Shelley must have lived like this on the
only the waves weren’t as good
This was one of
many poems written during
a trip to Baja
in 2006. I think I should change my name to Kevin Oxidados.