The water was water colored
as was the sunlight that danced across the
endlessly rocking surface stretching
to the horizon & possibly beyond
w/murky submarine depths & surface sparkle
The surging pulse that runs thru everything that breathes
A list of places to go, things to do...
The light goes from gold to blue
the way it does at Punta Baja
as described in the bootleg copy of the Upanishads
that gathers dust on the back shelf of my brain
& the eucalyptus rattles in three-quarter time
a harpsichord played with a sledgehammer
while seagulls gavotte across the wet sand
Find the rhyme & follow it, she said
but where does the breath go when it isn't here?
Snatched away by a crew of devas and asuras who
should know better than to
fuck w/the regularly scheduled programming