Come w/me Blanca I’ll show you the hills on fire
inside the rippling windsound of what birds might think
when we tiptoe thru the ashes. Smoke in yr eyes
& in yr mind & a taste for pints of amber when you
give me the lowdown on all you thought I didn’t know.
It was great, even though I fell asleep halfway thru it all.
Survival is another way of looking at it.
The dead bury the dead.
Simple descriptions of landscapes
parked beneath halos
(interior designed by M.C. Escher
resembling a medieval parking structure
paved with clouds
(the salt water sacrifice implied)
to ride the pulse back & down
the surging wall of night
where you step, turn & dissolve
& out there beyond the foam
across the broken line of the surf
the sun balances on the horizon
like a bronze coin
(doused in gasoline)
on the edge of a spoon