A dark, rose-tipped lament
in the heart’s house
the approval process for
a sub-prime future exile
all bliss azul for the jailbait
in rubberband bikinis
who don’t even know they
stepped out of the 1st book of
Ovid’s Metamorphoses
I was given to coked-up knuckle games
shaving while looking into a picture of
Walt Whitman
& singing my poems in sideways latin
to the abalone sky
while Our Lady of Wet Sand
swims downstairs wearing a
black t-shirt & a pair of Ray-Ban
night-vision goggles
She had erased the past as well as the future
set fire to her board in the parking lot
& broke off a corner of the sky just to
prove that it couldn’t be done
I could only sit there & stare
at a stand of eucalyptus
shimmering in the sun
to me it looked like the broken
silver blue surface
of the sea