so there’s no need to mention it
The Calypso of Eucalyptus the ocean in her hair
all nickels & dimes raining down purely an observation
& a sound lifted from a decidedly more green-colored
silver rescued from an underwater train wreck
The title (in paraphrase) should read:
To the Revolutionary Cadres of Big Sur, Morro Bay,
Gaviota, and Oxnard Shores (or, Sometimes a Great Ocean)
Long shadows falling across the tone arm we’ll just have to
haul it all back the next day
the parts you remember & the parts you forgot
The butterfly valve is a little sticky tap the pedal turn the key
She said The Odyssey is just the story of
Odysseus’ night out with the boys
How many times does it take to get that act down right?
The westward advance of European Civilization stopped at the
San Andrea Fault & so we have had to learn to roll our own here
in pages torn from the tide book soaked in gasoline