So after this first night of exploratory mash-up, we only had one more night together but it was a thrummer...we went to Foreign Cinema to share the Dionysian night...we drank wine for our nerves and feeling quite loose I kissed her at the bar in this spindizzy new outdoor/indoor film noir hepcat spot, and it was a beautiful night for hanging out in a subsonic tavern of late human evolution in a dark kalpa rainy night in November in the cufflinks of nowhere...
I only had this last night with Tanya because I was driving the microbus across Wyoming to Boulder the next day...And here I was getting to spend it with her and I trembled again at my good fortune...this was a beautiful woman. She was mine for a forthnight of hours and all I had to do was follow her back to her tiny apartment and will our garments to the floor...And amazingly enough, Tanya, after a few more glasses of wine said “So, you’d like to stay over...” and of course I had been asking by prehistoric telepathy for over two weeks if I could stay over...and quoting to myself the Spiritualized lyric “All I wanted was a little bit of love to take the pain away” I gently steered us out of there and upon arriving back at her flat, laid my body down on her bed while watching her move and clean the contents of the bedroom, from piles of briefs to brief piles of panties and business woman suit skirts and button down blue oxford shirts...she was obviously nefariously slight on edge and was making time to the bed down, but eventually she got down to her hip covers and tee-shirt...
We wasted no time digging in to the mouth-to-mouth resurrection and got deep and passionate and I saw bubbling volcanoes from Hunan Gardens, red lava rubies on my eyelid screens as Tanya moaned and squirmed under me and I slowly removed her shirt bringing to the dark of night the presence of her salt-angel skin in the Missouri light coming in the window, across from the hilled gorgeous Dolores Park where dogs romped and their owners digitized and discussed the hostility of the Germans to Enlightenment while most of the City shut down in its puny and early 1:30 a.m. curfew...
But that I touched the gentle hair of her below it was only once and brief...for as hot as she got, she never forgot that tomorrow she had to be a lawyer very early in the morning, and that allowing me any more foolery was to risk a guilty conscience, and a ticket to feel directly the permanence of my absence...A spectre was haunting our night, shutting it down with full blood realization, making Tanya hesitate and neigh when she needed to moan...she told me with heated breath that we could not go on, that she needed to sleep, that I was leaving for at least a month and she was no whore...Could I argue? All she said was true and tho’ it bored me to death I couldn’t offer a manifesto of sage repose nor could I convince her that the formula “History=Penis in Womb” had any year 2000 credibility...but my member throbbed on...so I succumbed to a mild fit of melancholy and took to watching her sleep in the drinkable half light of the eleventh month...sleep, “the regression dream,” her mother present in each out breath, tiny deaths slipped through that wonderful gap in her teeth...how much she probably looked like her young mother, a landlady of south American beauty...how was I to know that Tanya would foreshadow RAMONA and Ecuador! As I slipped off into my own sleep I had another raging case of uterine hysteria in my jewels and no release in sight...
-Michael Price