Monday, December 1, 2014

Big Wednesday

Some things are best said without words
your tears for example told me more
than I ever wanted to know
& not unlike spilling rosary beads into a
lifesize replica of the Pacific Ocean
parked near the intersection of Wipeout & Windward
which I often referred to as “Wind Word”
seeing as my shoelaces were untied & ¿Que te parece, Cholita?
as they say on a moonless night at high noon in Beach Flats
Pee-Wee, Paco, Esmerelda, & Lupe as he was known then
though of Irish extraction aptly nicknamed Weasel
on the streets of Santa Monica in or around 1974
died of unspecified “complications” as we all must I guess
everyone shocked or amused              flip a coin
Something to do with prying off bumper stickers
on days when the asphalt sagged beneath the weight of an
obscure sky “Earthquake Weather” they called it
warning that the California coast would eventually
slip into the sea & not a moment too soon